Shaitan Movie Download 720p Movie
There are more than one billion people on this earth who do not have access to clean water. This is a mind-boggling number of people being deprived of something so basic and necessary for survival. It might seem impossible to think about, but it means nearly one out of six people currently lives without access to clean, safe drinking water. But the hard truth is that they are just counting the ones that have been displaced or are living in poverty. The truth is that every last one of us will be threatened if this continues unchecked. Water is often taken for granted by us who live in developed countries and we may not realize how important it is. The average person uses between 80 and 100 gallons of water per day — while only 5% is used for drinking and cooking, more than 50% of that water goes to produce food. As stated above, nearly one out of six people live without safe drinking water. But this represents merely the tip of the iceberg. It is estimated that the world population will rise from 6 billion today to 11 billion by 2150, putting additional strain on existing resources. We all see the signs of climate change with cyclones, tsunamis and hurricanes affecting people around the globe on a regular basis. In India, the government estimates that rainfall will be more than 2 billion gallons less per year by 2050. It is estimated that 40% of the world's water is used for irrigation and this amounts to 30% of the output of the world's fertilizer plants. We all need safe drinking water and we all need to work together to find a solution. This is a big challenge, but with everyone working together we can make it happen. Water is life; we can not live without it! com/user/shaitanmovies ShaitanMovies
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